Big data is a powerful tool to revolutionise healthcare

In aanloop naar het Mobile Healthcare Congres & iZone interviewden wij Big Data Guru Viktor Mayer Schönberger. Viktor is bovendien keynote spreker op het congres! Wij vroegen hem naar zijn visie op mobile healthcare.

Bekijk het interview

Transcript van het interview

Big data

Big data is our ability to make sense of the world and understand the world better, by using a lot more data points than we ever could in the past. Big data is a powerful tool to revolutionise healthcare because with it, with the data in it, analysing it, we will be able to individualise and to personalise care and medical diagnoses and treatment. So that people not only live longer, but they live better.

Big data and mhealth

Big data is a huge deal for mobile healthcare, because mobile healthcare is the infrastructure. It is the tool, it is the fertile ground, but for it to do well and be successful, it needs the seeds and big data are the seeds to put into this fertile ground and to grow success from it.

Mobile Healthcare event

I am so super-excited to be the keynote speaker for the mobile healthcare conference coming up in October, and I can promise everybody taking part in it, that I will chart out the path into the future. This is a revolution, we don’t know where it’s exactly going, it uncharted waters. But whenever you have uncharted waters, you need guidance, you need an understanding of the direction in which it goes, so that you can be successful. That’s what I will provide. 


Mobile Healthcare is hét ontmoetingspunt voor meer dan 500 spelers uit de mhealth value chain. Het Mobile Healthcare event biedt u een overzicht van best-practices van eHealth implementaties, visies en strategieën en het brengt de belangrijkste spelers uit de mHealth value chain bij elkaar. Meer informatie

Over sbo

Het Studiecentrum voor Bedrijf en Overheid (SBO) organiseert jaarlijks zo’n 200 opleidingen en congressen over o.a. onderwijs, veiligheid, milieu & RO, zorg, bouw & infra en overheid.

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